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Tutreg Companion Extension

Watch the video tutorial, or read below for a pictorial guide.


Select and rank your courses in the Rank Classes page. Then, copy the URL given by the website in 'Export link'.


Open the Select Tutorials / Labs popup on Edurec.


Open the extension, paste in the URL and click on 'Auto-select'. The extension will automatically select the courses for you.


You should see a success message. Close the popup and go to step 5. If you see an error, try clicking the button again. If it persists, contact the developer at https://t.me/tutreghelp


Open the Rank Tutorials / Labs popup on Edurec.


Open the extension, paste in the URL again and click on 'Auto-rank'. The extension will automatically rank the courses for you.


You should see a success message. Close the popup check that your classes are in the correct order If you see an error, try clicking the button again. If it persists, contact the developer at https://t.me/tutreghelp

This website was made by Marcus Soh, and is open-source. View the GitHub Repository

Data sourced from NUSMods.com. Thank you!